Profile Pictureberryvee

Mora's FREE Bandaids [3D Accessory Asset] [VRChat]

56 ratings

Mora's FREE Bandaids [3D Accessory Asset] [VRChat]

56 ratings

;; Info

Made from scratch, UV-ed, textured and rigged by me, berryvee#0697.
Bandaids were made for my free model Mora!

» 1 fbx files: bandaids (1 material)
» 2 base textures and PBR maps.
» rigged to fit any head
△ Bandaids: 672 TRIS

These bandaids should work fine for Quest use as it does not require transparency. Though it does use PBR maps.

Head [Heavily edited by me] in preview is NOT included.


These rules apply to all assets: free, nitro, paid and commissioned assets.


You are responsible for the content YOU download, and downloading my content via 3rd party illegal websites IS ILLEGAL and you are the party responsible for your decision to use ILLEGAL content. YOU will be blacklisted and legal action can be taken against YOU

  1. You MUST credit me correctly when using my assets. Using my full discord name [ @berryvee] and a link back to the asset or my store (at minimum). EG. Asset by berryvee (
  2. You MUST not claim any of my assets or it's parts as your own. Provide credit for MY work.
  3. You may ONLY use my assets on FINISHED MODELS, with proper credit to me. You may not modify, or use parts, of the asset to make your own asset for sale.
  4. You CANNOT use my assets taken from another creator's model, you MUST buy it from my store to use it in ANY WAY.
  5. Do NOT resell my assets in ANY WAY. This includes edited or modified.
  6. Do NOT redistribute, leak or trade my assets in ANY WAY. This includes any 3rd party sites, forums, sharing websites, leaker sites, discord servers, sharing with friends etc.
  7. Do NOT price-split my assets with ANYONE. Sharing them with anyone else is prohibited. Friends, partners, family's etc. Do NOT share them.
  8. Paid assets CANNOT be used on free models or nitro models. They CAN be used on private, public or for-sale models. (FREE also includes role-related free gifts eg, "trusted buyer/member" "booster/nitro" free models. Any form of free is prohibited.)
  9. Paid assets ARE NOT ALLOWED on models that are less expensive than the highest priced asset from me. (eg, if the highest price asset (made by me) is purchased for $25, the model SHOULD NOT be less than $25).
  10. Free assets CAN be used on free models, nitro models, private models, public models and for-sale models.
  11. Nitro assets CANNOT be used on free models or nitro models. They CAN be used on private models. You CANNOT use them on public or for-sale models UNTIL you have boosted my server for a FULL MONTH.
  12. Your licence to use the asset is ONLY VALID if you provide the correct information at checkout. Otherwise I have no proof of purchase and will issue a DMCA.
  13. DO NOT share codes for server exclusive assets, if you do: the code will be REMOVED and the assets may no longer be available.
  14. To purchase these assets for someone else, please use the gift function: and fill THEIR discord and vrc username in at checkout!
  15. My assets are non-refundable. You are responsible for reviewing all provided information before your purchase.

All rules are subjected to change. updated 01/07/23


  • Please note: to use my assets you must have some blender and unity knowledge or experience, I do not hold responsibility for teaching anyone how to use either programs of blender/unity.
  • I am NOT responsible if you do not read the disclaimers, information or descriptions that are available for your benefit. If you have questions about something not mentioned, you can join my discord server and I will be more than happy to answer any questions about my products.
  • If you do not wish to follow my TOU or will not respect them, then do NOT purchase my assets/models as my TOU is lawfully binding and must be followed as failure is subjected to DMCA and further legal actions.
  • Join my content Discord Server!
This product is not currently for sale.
54.5 MB
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